
Friends are like an island
in a raging sea,
Waiting to give refuge
whenever there's a need.

Their arms are a harbor
a shelter from the storm,
They're willing to protect you
no matter if right or wrong.

With voices that carry like breeze
that sweeps across the earth,
They whisper words of hope
give promise for rebirth.

Big hearts filled with kindness
a warmth warmth that touches the soul,
A friend gives caring and comfort 
and gladly shares your load.

Their minds are wide open
you can tell them anything, 
A friend will take time to listen
to the stories that you bring.

Time is a gift given by friends
to those whom they hold dear,
If you get lost in the sea of life
give a call, true friends always hear.


©  JackiePA 
Used with author's permission
Read more of Jackie's poetry  Here 


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